
🏆 Graphis New Talent 2022 Gold

Copywriter: Jocelyn Mendez
Body Dysmorphia

Insight: Constant exposure to altered images can lead to an unhealthy pressure to achieve unrealistic body types.

Solution: Help users identify when images have been altered and edited on social media.

 Using Image Similarity API, FakeTune will compare two images and analyze them to see how visually similar they are. FakeTune will then detect when altered images are exported from Facetune and uploaded onto social media. Users will be notified that their image has been altered and would be asked if they would like to follow through with posting it.

If the user moves forward with posting the altered image it will be flagged on social media.

Predictive AI technology will provide users with a picture of what the person could have looked like without the edits.


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